Sunday, December 20, 2009

100% last post till 2010

HEY! whazz up! LOL! tell me what you are doing for Xmas

Friday, December 18, 2009

Club Penguin Christmas Party 2009

HEY THE CHRISTMAS PARTY IS HERE! and I hope you injoy it happy hoidays p.s I wont be posting for the rest of the year sorry! bye for now!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

coins for change post

Coins for Change 2009 read it!
Kids who are poor
• Nutrition program to feed thousands of
malnourished and at-risk children in Haiti— Partners In Health ( works in some of the world’s poorest communities to make sure children get food, clean water, health care and education.
• Peace centre to educate 20,000 young
children displaced by war and conflict in Sri Lanka—War Child ( is dedicated to lessening the effects of poverty, providing education and defending and fighting for the rights of children whose lives have been torn apart by war.
Kids who are sick
• Critical health care and treatment programs for impoverished children in Haiti—Partners In Health (
• Construction of a health clinic in Kenya—Free The Children (, has more than one million young people involved in innovative education and
development programs in 45 countries.
The environment
• Programs to inspire children to protect coral reefs in Indonesia, wetlands in China,
and forests in South America to ensure food and clean water for communities and
critical habitat for sea turtles, orangutans and other endangered species—Rare ( supports real-life superheroes in more than 50 countries
to protect the world’s most endangered animals forests, rivers, oceans and the people that live near them.
• Scholarships and educational programs focused on protecting the African wild dog,
the elephant and the snow leopard. Wildlife Conservation Network ( works to protect endangered species and the places they live by supporting conservationists who demonstrate entrepreneurship through innovative projects.
Projects and Partner Organizations

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

misson 3

1. Speak to the other agent who’s working on the case.
2. Have a look in the vault. Talk to the other agent and have him close the vault.
3. Ask him to re-open the vault. He’ll tell you that he can’t because he doesn’t have the code. Then go upstairs through the office door on your right.
4. On the right you’ll see a couch. Get the paperclip and floppy disk from under the couch.
5. Go to the computer and put the disk in. Navigate through the computer and get the code. It will be N, E, S, W, which are the directions for the vault.
6. Go to the vault and enter the code. Ask the green agent to watch guard and then go to the HQ using your spy phone.
7. Speak to G and watch the video. You’ll see the coins moving from the floor to the roof. Speak to him until he opens the door on the right.
8. Choose the key on the top left hand corner. It’s to access the Roof.
9. Go back into the Gift Shop and up into the office. On the left you’ll see a door to access the Roof. Use the roof key to unlock the door. Once unlocked, go onto the roof.
10. On the roof, you’ll see the power box and a piece of white fur in the drain beside it. Pick up the fur and use the wrench on your spy phone to open the power box.
11. Use the paperclip you picked up under the couch and stick it on the chip inside the power box. It will cause the box to malfunction. The magnet will drop the coins, but the power around Club Penguin will go off.
12. Go back to the vault and help free the green agent. Talk to him and he’ll stand guard.
13. Go back to G and talk to him. Give him the white fibers when he asks for them and he will give you a flashlight (located on the table).
14. Go to the Town and then into the Night Club. Using the flashlight, find the speaker and go down the ladder to get to the Boiler Room.
15. Inside the Boiler Room, you’ll see a fuse box. Read the instructions on it and then open it up. Solve the puzzle to turn the fuse lights green.
17. Report back to G to complete the mission and to collect your awards.

how to become secret agent

This page will have the club penguin secret agent quiz

Click the moderator symbol on the top right side of your screen. Now click the “Become a secret agent” button. You must have been a registered penguin for at least 30 days.

These are the answers to the questions in order.

1. Honest.
2. Being mean or rude.
3. Report them.
4. Saying their address.
5. I want to keep Club Penguin Safe.
6. I want to help other penguins.
have fun becoming a secret agent!

mission 2

1.To start mission two you need to go to G and ask him for your next mission.
2.He’ll give you a riddle and you need to respond with the answer of ” mogul “
3.You’ll get a sled for answering correct so put this in your items and head to Ski Mountain.
4.When you get there you’ll se the sign for a test run. Do the test run and use the protype sled ( you’ll crash )
5.Next you need to grab the string that’s behind the snow pile and then move towards the right
6.Next you need to grab the survival guide and then go to the bush that has the berries
7.Grab three berries and then shake the tree to the right three times and a pot will drop down.
8.Now move towards the tree stump and select a puffle (there gonna get scared and run but the black one will stick around)
9.Now give the black puffle one of your berries.
10.When you get to the Ice berg you need to save the penguins who are stuck on the ice by throwing them the life preservers.
11.Now you need to go to the left to the log and the bush, when you get there grab the ski and put it with the string you got earlier. ( now you have a fishing pole )
12.Next you need to put one of the berries on the fishing ole and go towards the right and to the tree stump, keep going right to the cave, and then keep going right till you get to the river.
13.Now use the pole to catch yourself a fish, add the fish to your items
14.Remember that pot you found…. well now we need to fill it up with water
15.Now move towards the right and grab the wood.
16.Next go to the cave and click on the bushes in the front to move them out of the way, then go into the cave and click on one of the rocks you see
17.Now you need to go to the fire spot you just made and put that wood you grabbed into it
18.Open up your survival guide and select the fire
19.Now you need to give the puffle another berry so he can light the fire for you
20.You hungry? Well even if your not cook the fish you caught and eat that thing!!!
21.After eating boil the pot of water and drink it ( hot i know ). Then its bed time….
22.When you wake up go outside and talk to the agent with the jet pack and then he’ll fly you to the Sport Shop where you can talk to G and get the medal and the letter.

mission 1

1.The first thing you need to do for mission 1 is talk to Aunt Artic
2.After talking to Aunt Artic you need to go to the Ice Rink.
3.When you get to the Ice Rink you need to go right and pick up the pictures that are on the ground.
4.After getting the pictures go back to Aunt Artic and give her the pictures.
5.Now that you’ve given her the pictures go to the Pet Shop and once inside go to the left
6.You should see a note stuck on the puffle house, click on it.
7.Next you’ll get a message that says something like ” G has ____ pairs of socks.” Remember how many pairs of socks G has and then go to the Sport Shop
8.When you get to the sport shop talk to G and you need to ask him if he has any special items. Then you will need to tell him how many pairs of socks he has.
9.After telling him this you need to take the life perserver shooter and go to the Ice Berg
10.When you get to the Ice berg you need to save the penguins who are stuck on the ice by throwing them the life preservers.
11.After you’ve saved the penguins go to Ski Mountain and talk to the crying penguin
12.Then open up your spy phone and push the RED light
13.Then click on the spanner and then press the telescope to fix it.
14.When your looking through the telescope you need to go to the left and you should see a green puffle that’s flying by a mountain
15.As soon as you see this you’ll need to go to the Sport Shop and buy a grappling hook.
16.Use the grappling hook to climb up the biggest mountain (click on the top of the biggest mountain to use the grappling hook and climb up it)
17.At the top of the mountain you’ll find two puffles.
18.Once you’ve done this go back and chat with Aunt Artic and she’ll give you the medal and a letter….mission 1 complete!!

rockhopper here soon

rockhopper will be here just in time for the Christmas party!

What items will he bring with him? tell me what you think!

penguin band tracker

aunt arctic tracker

garty tacker

To put this widget on your website

dj cadence tacker

Sensei Tracker

DJ Cadence Location

pin tracker

Club Penguin Pin Tracker

Club Penguin Cheats and Secrets

this is a new blog

hello I made a blog I am new to bloging so if you have tips then tell me.

thanks sammy38009


Rockhopper Tracker

Rockhopper Location

I will tell you what srever I go on

the srever I go on is iceage